Thursday, 1 July
A U.S declassified government report on UFOs issued to Congress on Friday said its intelligence analysts lack sufficient data to accurately infer the nature of mysterious flying objects reportedly seen by American military aviators since 2004, and the department of defence does not rule out whether such objects are of atmospheric, earthly technologies, or of extraterrestrial origin.
What the Report Says
The declassified 9-page report – issued to the U.S Congress and also available to the public – compiles 144 observations reported by military pilots (more so by the U.S Navy) in what government officials refer to as Unidentified Arial Phenomena (UAP).
The report – compiled by the National Intelligence task force in conjunction with the Navy (both constituted by the Pentagon on request by Congress last year) – was, however, labelled as a preliminary assessment. The report comes after years-long attempts by the U.S military to debunk, deflect and discredit reports made about unidentified flying objects dating back to the mid-20th century.
The U.S Government Has No Explanation For UAP
According to the report, the Pentagon – citing lack of sufficient data – has offered no explanation for UAP mystery spotted by military pilots. The report further highlights that of the 144 UFO sighting reports made since 2004, only one has been explained. But for the rest that remains a mystery, the pentagon hasn’t ruled out the possibility that the objects are of extraterrestrial origin.
The Report Was Prompted by Congress
Last year, the U.S Congress demanded an explanation as to the numerous instances of UFOs observed moving erratically in the sky, as reported by aviators. At the time, Congress was concerned the Unidentified Arial Phenomena would pose a flight safety risk and a national security threat. Congress, therefore, demanded the government establish a task force to look into it.
Of the 144 cases, only one sighting has been explained. And it was determined to be a large deflating balloon. But for the other 143 sightings, the pentagon lacked clear indication that could rule out extraterrestrial involvement.
Some of the UAP cases came to light when the Pentagon released naval aviation videos that showed enigmatic aircraft of the East and West coasts that exhibited manoeuvres and speed thought to be beyond the current aviation possibilities. The report also ruled out the possibility that the UFOs could have been developed by the U.S or by foreign powers like Russia or China.
Flight Safety And UAP
The year-long study conducted by the task force documented 11 UAP near misses by pilots, while a handful of reports involved the pilots recording radio frequencies that are often associated with extraterrestrial bodies. A large percentage of those cases, however, involved UFO sightings that interrupted U.S military training sessions and exercises.
The task force studied evidence witnessed first-hand by military pilots, with the majority reported in the past two decades. And while the report is subject to further analysis, the task force didn't rule out extraterrestrial entities but suggested that the sightings could also comprise airborne clutter, U.S aviation programs, foreign technologies, natural atmospheric phenomenon, among others.
(Written and edited by: The Decision Maker Team)
