London, Monday, 6 June 2022
On Monday evening, Conservative members of the UK parliament will vote on Prime Minister Boris Johnson's leadership, according to Sir Graham Brady, chairman of the party's 1922 Committee.
The declaration came amid reports that the barrier of 15% parliamentarians had been surpassed over the Jubilee weekend.
The confidence vote will take place this evening between 6 and 8 p.m., according to Brady.
In a televised remark, Brady stated, "We got to the stage where I could interact with the prime minister yesterday."
"The 15 percent threshold of parliamentary parties demanding a vote of confidence in the prime minister has been met," he added.
"Between 6 and 8 p.m., there will be a vote in the House of Commons. We'll let you know as soon as the results are in."
Johnson requires the backing of at least half of the Conservative members of parliament, or 180 votes, to keep his position as party leader.
If Johnson loses the election, he will be forced to resign as prime minister, and a leadership election will be held immediately.
Downing Street issued a brief statement about the vote soon after the announcement.
"Tonight is an opportunity to put an end to months of speculation and allow the government to draw a line in the sand and move on, delivering on the people's priorities," said a spokesperson.
"The Prime Minister welcomes the opportunity to make his case to MPs, and will remind them that there is no more formidable political force than when they are united and focused on the issues that important to voters."
Before the vote, Johnson is likely to address Tory MPs.
Johnson acknowledged that "over recent months I have come under a great deal of fire, and I know that experience has been traumatic for the entire party" in a letter to them.
"Some of the criticism was perhaps justified, while others were not. I listened, learned, and made big improvements when there were genuine comments."
"However, I cannot emphasise enough that we now have a fantastic opportunity to put this behind us," he said.
I believe that with your help, we will be able to win a large prize tonight. We have the power to put a stop to the media's favourite obsession.
We can get on with the job now that the noises have been turned off." And I am certain that if we can come together in the next days, we will win again, repay the 14 million voters' faith in us, and continue to serve the country we love."
For months, Johnson has been chastised for holding parties at Downing Street during the COVID-19 lockdown, and the party's dismal performance in the May 5 local elections has sparked speculation that it may lose the next general election under Johnson's leadership.
(Report by: The Decision Maker – International Relations editors)

(Picture by: Wikimedia)